Neue Version von „Contacts in the Browser“
Contacts in the Browser kann jetzt auch OAuth:
Where possible, Contacts now uses the industry-standard OAuth login mechanism to access websites. You will need to re-connect your browser to your services once to set it up.
» Contacts in the Browser 0.4 released
Mozillas „Prototype of an Open Web App Ecosystem“
Und nochmal Firefox: Mozilla arbeitet an der Verschmelzung von Webservices und dem Browser:
Apps built using HTML/CSS/JavaScript that work both on computers and mobile phones, have many of the characteristics that users find compelling about native apps and provide developers with open and flexible distribution options.
» Prototype of an Open Web App Ecosystem
PubSubHubBub mit JavaScript abonnieren:
A little web service that allows you to subscribe to PubSubHubbub feeds from Javascript!
» PubSubJubhub
W3Cs FederatedSocialWebCharter
Das W3C will jetzt auch im OpenWeb mit mischen und ruft das (oder den) FederatedSocialWebCharter ins leben:
The mission of the Federated Social Web Incubator Group is to provide a set of community-driven specifications and a test-case suite for a federated social web.
» FederatedSocialWebCharter