So! Urlaub ist ‚rum und die OpenWeb-Worker kommen auch langsam wieder aus der Sommerpause…
Diaspora: Developer Release
Seit gestern gibt’s ein erstes Developer Release vom dezentralen, open-source „Facebook-Killer“ Diaspora:
Today, we are releasing the source code for Diaspora. This is now a community project and development is open to anyone with the technical expertise who shares the vision of a social network that puts users in control. From now on, we will be working closely with the community on improving and solidifying Diaspora.
» Developer Release
» Quellcode auf Github
OAuth 2.0 (without Signatures) is Bad for the Web
Eran Hammer-Lahav macht seinem Frust Luft und fasst zusammen was ihm am neuen OAuth 2 Standard nicht passt.
Without signatures, OAuth 2.0 cannot safely support discovery. It is a waste of time and a risky business. Clearly, the OAuth community today does not care enough about discovery and interoperable services to do something about it. The cryptographic solutions proposed so far are focused on self-encoded tokens and other distributed systems, based on narrow use cases promoted by the likes of Google, Microsoft, and a few other enterprise-focused companies.
» OAuth 2.0 (without Signatures) is Bad for the Web