👊 It's a secret to everyone! Read more about RSS Club.

Kev Quirk und andere bedanken sich bei ihren Lesern die RSS benutzen um das jeweilige Blog zu lesen. Ich mag die Idee (ja, ich bin schnell und einfach zu begeistern ☺️) und möchte ein bisschen Werbung für Jeremy Herves WordPress Snippet machen, über das ich überhaupt erst auf das Thema gestoßen bin.

 * Display a nice welcoming message to folks reading posts via RSS.
 * Kudos Kev Quirk for the idea!
 * @param string $content The current post content.
 * @return string
function jeherve_welcome_rss_readers( $content ) {
	$welcome_messages = array(
		'Thanks for reading this post via RSS. RSS is great, and you’re great for using it. ♥️',
		'Congratulations on being an RSS reader! You are part of an elite group of people who know how to stay updated in style.',
		'Hey there, RSS reader! You’re one of a special few, choosing this old-school yet awesome way of staying informed. Kudos!',
		'You are a true RSS aficionado! While others are drowning in social media noise, you enjoy the simplicity and control of RSS. Congrats!',
		'RSS readers like you are the unsung heroes of the internet. Keep up the good work!',
		'You are a master of efficiency! By using RSS, you save time and avoid distractions. 👏',
		'RSS readers like you are the secret sauce of the internet. Keep rocking and staying informed!',
		'Hey there, RSS reader! You’re cool. Keep being awesome! 😎',

	$welcome_message = $welcome_messages[ wp_rand( 0, count( $welcome_messages ) - 1 ) ];

	return sprintf(
add_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'jeherve_welcome_rss_readers' );Code-Sprache: PHP (php)

Es ist eigentlich eine schöne Ergänzung für das RSS-Club Plugin… Mal schauen was Jeremy davon hält, wenn ich es dort einbaue!?!

5 Kommentare zu “Praise RSS through RSS

  1. Jetzt hätte ich beinahe vom Blog aus eine Webmention geschickt und gegen die erste Regel des RSS-Club verstoßen! 😱

    Ich finde die Idee super und habe das auch mal irgendwo geklaut und eingebaut. Mache das nur gerade mit einem festen Satz. Finde die Idee aber charmant, da etwas Abwechslung reinzubringen!

  2. Interesting! I praise RSS in my WordPress-powered feed too (also inspired by Kev Quirk), but my approach is different. I have a static message that I can override using post metadata, so I can customise it specific to the post content!

    But I don’t do that often, so I might set up an array of options too. But if I do, I’ll probably use b the modulus of the post ID to select the message instead of a random number. That way, the message for a given post remains consistent.

    • But I don’t do that often, so I might set up an array of options too. But if I do, I’ll probably use b the modulus of the post ID to select the message instead of a random number. That way, the message for a given post remains consistent.

      That is a really good point! I hope you blog about it, when you have a solution to that!

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