Boxee ist ein Open-Source Media-Center für den Mac (und bald auch für Linux und Windows) basierend auf dem XBMC-Media-Center.
Free, open source application Boxee is a new media center application for the Mac (and soon to be Linux and Windows). Based on the open source media center application Xbox Media Center, aka XBMC, which we’ve covered from its humble beginnings on the Xbox classic to its move to your Mac and your thumb drive, Boxee completely reskins XBMC and adds a new social element. With Boxee, your local content seamlessly integrates with web content from sites like and YouTube, and Boxee shares what you’re watching, listening to, and liking with all of your friends. #

Boxee Dashboard mit allen Aktivitäten meiner Freunde.

Integration von Social Networks wie z.B. FriendFeed oder Twitter.
Mehr dazu bei lifehacker.